Cat's Claw - Uncariae Tormentosae - A Wonder Herb?

by Michael Ortmann
(Berlin, Germany)

Congratulations to this great site. I can feel the buzz in your team.

A friend of mine has given me a tea called uncariae tormentosae (cort.) in Latin. Does it have any benefits in Chinese medicine?


Michael, it looks like what you have got is a plant species called Uncaria tomentosa, which is also known as the Cat's Claw. This plant is native to Latin America, and has considerable medicinal qualities. It has been known to cure cancer and HIV.

A happy coincident is that in my article on the best detox product I know - Amazon Herb's Illumination blend - the No 1 ingredient is this Uncaria, known as Una de Gato in the article.

Best Detox Diet

I haven't looked into the research of this plant, but for my personal experience of consuming Illumination, it would say it is definitely worth looking into.

Further information about this plant can be found in the Wiki page below:

Cat's Claw

I hope this helps.


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