White Tea and Colon Cancer
Medicine Without Side Effects

A 2003 white tea and colon cancer study found that it outperforms clinical drugs and green tea.

A 2003 study conducted by Oregon State University found that white tea treats colon cancer in mice.

The scientists compared white tea, green tea and sundalic in preventing colon cancer.

Sundalic belongs to a family of drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), of which aspirin is a member.

NSAID drugs are increasingly prescribed for treating cancer and heart disease. They are effective, but have been known to cause severe side effects such as bleeding, ulcers and even death.

The Study

In the study, mice prone to developing tumours in their intestines were given either white tea, green tea or sundalic to drink.

After 12 weeks, untreated mice developed 30 tumours.

Mice that drank green tea and white tea developed 17 and 13 tumours respectively.

The best result went to mice that drank both white tea and sundalic; they developed the lowest number of tumours - 6.

"The use of tea in combination with NSAIDs may allow for the use of lower, less toxic doses of NSAIDs," said Dr Gayle Orner.

"Therefore, this widely consumed beverage may be useful in the prevention of intestinal cancer in genetically predisposed individuals."

Tea Or Supplements

To get the same cancer-prevention benefits of green tea or white tea, drink 3 mugs of tea daily.

Dr. Orner prefers people drinking white tea than taking concentrated polyphenol supplements. Here is her advice:

"If you choose to use polyphenol supplements instead, I'd recommend not exceeding the amount present in 6 to 8 cups of tea."

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Orner GA, Dashwood WM, Blum CA, Díaz GD, Li Q, Dashwood RH (2003). Suppression of tumorigenesis in the Apc(min) mouse: down-regulation of beta-catenin signaling by a combination of tea plus sulindac. Carcinogenesis. 2003 Feb;24(2):263-7.

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