Green Tea and Triglycerides
Lose Weight And Thin Blood

A green tea and triglycerides study found that it reduces blood level triglycerides and helps lose weight at the same time.

A green tea and triglycerides study found that green tea reduces blood level triglycerides and promotes weight loss.

Triglycerides is the chemical form in which most fat exists in our body. High blood levels of triglyceride are associated with the hardening and thickening of arteries (atherosclerosis), which can lead to heart attack or stroke.

A study conducted by the University of Hong Kong suggested that green tea reduces cholesterols and triglyceride levels.

Hamsters were first fed a high fat diet to raise their cholesterol and triglyceride levels. They were then given either green tea extract or water to drink for 4 to 5 weeks.

It was found that a human equivalent of 3 cups a day significantly reduces the blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

A human equivalent of 15 cups a day reduce both cholesterol and triglycerides by a whopping one third.

Researcher Ping Tam Chan and his team explained that green tea catechins block cholesterols absorption and increase excretion of bile salts that flush cholesterols out of the body.

These compounds also speed up the breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids so they can be burned as energy. With green tea, you get two in one. It helps to thin the blood and promote weight loss, at the same time.

This green tea and triglycerides study was published in the June 1999 edition of Journal of Nutrition.

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