Green Tea and Nausea

Many people have asked me about green tea and nausea. The answer is yes, they can be linked, and here is why.

According to Medline Plus, nausea is the sensation of having an urge to vomit.

Common causes of nausea are viral infections, medication, motion sickness, migraine headaches, morning sickness, food poisoning and allergies.

Can drinking green tea cause nausea?

Yes, green tea contains caffeine and polyphenols. Both compounds have been known to cause nausea.

Caffeine can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability, upset stomach, nausea, diarrhoea and frequent urination in some people.

Tea also stimulates the production of gastric acid, resulting in indigestion.

Indigestion is often described as a feeling of fullness, bloating, nausea or gassy discomfort in the chest or abdomen. The symptoms develop during meals or shortly afterwards.

Tea can also be a problem for those prone to heartburn and stomach ulcer. Heartburn results when gastric acids rise up and spill into the oesophagus, causing irritation.

Learn how to drink tea without upsetting the stomach.

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