Green Tea and Mineral Water - Delicious Remedy for Swollen Ankles

by Dave Riley
(Brisbane, Australia)

I have become dependent on green tea which I brew on cold water and keep to steep in the refrigerator.

Love the stuff. My favorite tipple is a blend of Green Tea and Papaya leaf

Over the years I've experimented with this tea and now drink it mixed with effervescent mineral water -- half and half.I make up flasks of the mix and store it under a tight lid -- ready to consume anytime of the day or night.

While I love this drink I've also found that it prevents swollen feet. This is condition I suffer from over the Summer months, but the tea mix prevents this symptom from developing.

I'm sure diuresis has a lot to do with that effect but I also suspect other consequences are also in play.

I also use green tea instead of water to dilute yogurt mixes such as for Lassi and the Turkish Ayran.

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