Brewing Dragon Well - A Question About Decanting

by Karen

I am new to high quality green teas. I was reading about how to brew Dragon well and I am confused. It says to decant the first 2/3 of the brew and then brew two more times. What do I do with the first decant? Do I add more water for each subsequent brew? At what point do I drink the tea? I know this sounds funny but the instructions don't make sense to me. I hope someone can simplify for a newcomer.

Thank you!

Comments for Brewing Dragon Well - A Question About Decanting

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Jan 10, 2017

by: Julian

Karen, thank you for your question. Yes, you decant 2/3 to another cup, which you will drink.

The you fill up your first cup with more hot water to brew another cup of tea.

And then repeat your decanting etc.

Does it make sense?

Jul 29, 2017
Decant duration
by: Carmine

Hello, about the decanting ,how many times on average, till when does it get exhausted, what are the signs to start anew? thanks

Aug 01, 2017
To Carmine
by: Julian

Green tea usually can be infused three times, if it is high quality sometimes more. Second infusion is the strongest. Basically you stop when the tea becomes weaker and weaker.

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